
浏览量:343 发布时间:2018-06-26


主讲:Paul M. Wright




Paul M. Wright, Ph.D., is the Lane/Zimmerman Endowed Professor in Kinesiology and Physical Education at Northern Illinois University in the United States. He is also an Honorary Professor in the Moray House School of Education at the University of Edinburgh, Scotland. Dr. Wright has specialized in the Teaching Personal and Social Responsibility (TPSR) model for over twenty years. He earned his master’s and doctoral degrees under the direct supervision of Dr. Don Hellison, who created the TPSR model. Dr. Wright’s contributions to TPSR research and best practice is reflected in his extensive record of publications and presentations on the topic. He has designed, implemented and evaluated TPSR programs in varied contexts such as physical education, after school programs, and in international sport for development programs. Dr. Wright has been a driving force in developing measures to support TPSR practice and research. He has also been instrumental in disseminating information about TPSR and collaborating with researchers around the globe in countries such as Scotland, Finland, Spain, New Zealand, Canada, and South Korea. He has led professional development and training initiatives in these countries as well as Mexico, Belize, and Sri Lanka. He is an Associate Director of the TPSR Alliance community of practice and a highly sought after international speaker. Dr. Wright’s expertise and professional contributions have been recognized with prestigious awards from the Society for Health and Physical Education (SHAPE America), the United States Fulbright Commission, and the European Erasmus Mundus Visiting Scholars program. His scholarship has been funded by grants and contracts from organizations such as the United States Department of State, the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, the National Association for Sport and Physical Education, and the American Association for Physical Activity and Recreation.

Paul M. Wright, Ph.D.,美国北伊利诺伊大学运动学和体育教育学院教授,苏格兰爱丁堡大学马里众议院教育学院荣誉教授。师从创建TPSR模型的Don Hellison博士,获得硕士和博士学位,并开始对TPSR模型进行了二十多年的研究,发表大量学术著作。设计、实施并评估了体育教育,课外体育活动和国际体育促进发展计划等不同背景下的TPSR课程。Wright一直致力于TPSR模型的实践、研究和传播,并与苏格兰,芬兰,西班牙,新西兰,加拿大、韩国、墨西哥、伯利兹和斯里兰卡等国家的研究人员开展合作,进行专业进修和培训。Wright教授是TPSR联盟实践社区副主任,也是备受追捧的国际演讲人,专业知识和专业贡献获得包括美国健康与体育协会(SHAPE America),美国富布赖特委员会和欧洲伊拉斯谟世界访问学者计划的认可,并得到来自美国国务院、罗伯特伍德约翰逊基金会、全国体育运动协会和美国身体活动与娱乐协会等组织的赞助和合同资助。

版权所有苏州大学 · 体育学院 苏州市东环路50号(215021)

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